Picture of Micro-tranfer printer
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X Display’s patented MTP (Micro-Transfer-Printing) technology integrates micron-scale semiconductor devices such as lasers, light-emitting devices (LEDs) or integrated circuits (ICs) onto non-native substrates. The X Display process uses an engineered elastomer print-head coupled to an automated printer to pick up and transfer arrays of very small and thin semiconductor-based devices. The MTP technology is ideal for heterogeneous integration of non-silicon devices and silicon integrated circuits in More-than-Moore applications, and for printing high-performance micron-scale device arrays onto plastic substrates in printed and flexible electronics applications.


  • Camera: Firewire ½” format, 1384 x 1032 pixel
  • Illumination: White LED
  • FOV with 10x objective: 356 x 265 microns
  • Chiplet (coupon) material: Silicon nitride
  • Chiplet (coupon) dimensions: 40 x 40 x 1.2 microns
  • Number printed in one cycle: 4 (2x2)
  • Total number printed in 35 cycles: 140 chiplets (coupons)
  • Target material: Silicon with metal marks and 1 micron print adhesive
  • Qualified print yield: 99%
  • Repeatability (precision): < 5 micron (3 sigma)


Tool name:
Micro-tranfer printer
Yellow room
Device mounting
X Display Company


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